6 Cool Things You Can Do with PyTorch - the Python-Native Deep Learning Framework

(Image Source) What Are Deep Learning Frameworks? Deep Learning (DL) frameworks are libraries, tools, and interfaces that are designed to help you build deep learning models more quickly and easily. DL frameworks use a collection of pre-built components that are optimized to provide you with concise ways to define models, so you do not have to concern yourself with underlying algorithms. The Advantages of Using Deep Learning Frameworks DL frameworks provide you with tools that are suitable for building DL models more quickly so you can save the time and work it would have taken you to write hundreds of lines of codes. [Read More]

How PyMongo Update Document Works

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how PyMongo update document works. PyMongo is a tool for interacting with MongoDB. From the official documentation, PyMongo is a Python distribution containing tools for working with MongoDB, and is the recommended way to work with MongoDB from Python. Getting Started With PyMongo Make sure that you have Python installed in your distribution. If you are un sure, type in python in your terminal and if installed it will show the Python version installed. [Read More]

How To Handle Error In JavaScript Promise All

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to handle error in JavaScript Promise.all method. Promise.all method is used to make sure that all promises in an array of promises has resolved. If any of the promises gets rejected, the Promise.all execution stops. So, how to handle such scenarios and make sure that even if a promise gets rejected, the execution of other promises doesn’t stop. If you are new to JavaScript promises I would recommend reading the beginners guide to understanding JavaScript Promises. [Read More]

How To Run JavaScript Promises In Parallel

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to run JavaScript promises in parallel. Sometimes, in our application when we use promises to solve a set of problems, we tend to chain promises. Chaining promises when not required will slow down your code execution which in turn slows down your application. Promises which are independent of each other should be run in parallel for faster execution. Let’s create a helper module which helps to make API calls. [Read More]

DevOps Podcasts You Cant Miss

A tech savvy group of people, developers are always up to date with the latest digital trends - that translates to making some pretty good podcasts. However, when looking for a DevOps podcast, there’s a lot to choose from and it can be overwhelming trying to find the best ones out there. To save you time, we’ve done the hard work for you, selecting the best DevOps podcasts that you should listen to today. [Read More]

Error getting file: -6: Not Supported Moto G 3rd Gen

Recently it happened so, that while I was trying to copy a video file from my Moto G 3rd Gen to my Ubuntu Linux box it showed an error : Error getting file: -6: Not Supported First I thought may be the video file was corrupted. But when I tried to run the video from mobile it was running perfectly fine. Then I started to trouble shoot what might be wrong. [Read More]

JavaScript : Check If String Contains Substring

In this tutorial, you’ll see a couple of ways to check if string contains substring using JavaScript. Other tutorials in JavaScript Array series. Array Manipulation Using JavaScript Filter Method Array Manipulation Using JavaScript Map Method How to Remove Duplicates from JavaScript Array How To Loop Through An Array In JavaScript How To Remove Element From JavaScript Array Using indexOf You can use the String.indexOf method to find a substring in a string. [Read More]

5 Tips To Efficiently Manage Your Freelance Project

In this article, I’ll give you 5 tips from my freelancing experience so far, to efficiently manage your freelance project. Freelancing gives you the freedom to work from the comfort of your home. You are your own boss, you can work whenever you want and the best part, you don’t have to report to anyone. But everything can become a mess if you don’t know how to manage your freelance project. [Read More]

5 Tips to Take Your DevOps Pipeline to the Next Level

Image by ar130405 from Pixabay For many, DevOps can be neatly defined as cooperation between development and operations teams. However, this teamwork is not all that DevOps incorporates. It also requires careful implementation of DevOps automation and Agile development practices. In this article, you will learn about the main principles of DevOps, and how to take your DevOps pipeline to the next level. DevOps Principles Overview DevOps implementations require a combination of technologies and practices that enable teams to develop, test, and deploy products quickly and consistently. [Read More]

Getting Started With Julia Package Manager

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to get started with Julia package manager. You’ll be using the package manager to install, update and remove different Julia packages. Using Julia Package Manager Status of Package Installed Add New Packages Update Existing Packages Remove Installed Packages Using Julia Package Manager From your terminal type in julia to move to the Julia prompt. Once you are in the Julia prompt type in the following command to get started with the Julia package manager. [Read More]