We have been using JavaScript for years, and still, it’s not going anywhere for several more years to come. With JavaScript, not only can you create web pages, but you can use it for server-side applications also. Most of the purposes can be served easily if your fundamentals of JavaScript are clear. This is the reason behind the popularity of JavaScript developers. In a survey conducted by Stack Overflow Developer Survey, the results of this survey showed that Javascript is the #1 programming language.
Although millions of libraries and frameworks are available for developers, they will not be of any use if your basics are not clear. We know that a lot of concepts can be overwhelming for developers to learn, but if you are in this for a longer run. Then you should resolve all of your confusion as soon as possible. And today, we will discuss some of the most challenging issues, which are complex but essential to learning.
1. Prototype
This should be the first topic that you should learn forthwith because the prototype is inherent in every object in JavaScript. Prototypes are the mechanism by which JavaScript objects inherit features from one object to another. It is probably the most useful topic because almost everything in Java is an object.
But why do we need prototypes in Java? Imagine that you want to add functionality to every object, but for that, you will have to do it manually. So instead of adding that functionality to each object, you can add it directly to the prototype instead. And as the prototype is associated with each object, so your work is done! Needless to say that this will save your time and increase the efficiency of your code too.
Moreover, in the prototype, you need to understand the prototype chain first. And once you understand it comprehensively. It will take your JavaScript knowledge to the next level.
2. Scope
Although, many readers will disagree with this topic as Scope is considered an easy topic. However, we are saying it from the experience of several developers that understanding this topic thoroughly distinguishes the good coders from the great ones.
Firstly, what is a scope? Well, the scope is simply a set of rules established for where and how the variables should be stored. We know it might sound simple, but it is not at a fundamental level. We know involuntarily when we have access to variables and when not! The main problem comes to us when a mechanism such as hoisting or the legendary arrives in the game.
If you want to understand the overall concept of JavaScript. Then, starting with the scope would be a very good idea. Think about the things like the execution context and the call stack. You can not skip Scope even if you are an amateur programmer. Because, once you get the hang of it, it will make your journey of learning JavaScript a lot easier.
3. Hoisting
If you don’t have knowledge of Hoisting, then you may experience unexpected results from your Javascript code. This problem is with every other programmer. Within JavaScript, you can rectify a function before it is defined without receiving a ReferenceError. How? Well, because the JavaScript interpreter moves variable and function declarations to the top of the current scope. And this is what we call Hoisting. You should be acquainted with this concept; if you are in this for a longer run, it will help you extensively.
4. Pattern
What is the need to design patterns? Basically, to not copy the same thing again. The templates are designed to solve the issues that most applications have. However, you just have to pay attention to these patterns only:
Observer pattern
Prototype pattern
Singleton pattern
Module pattern
5. Classes (ES6)
In recent years, the introduction to the classes is the most noticeable change to JavaScript. Indeed, it is only that so-called syntactic sugar; even the classes in JavaScript are based on the prototypal inheritance.
You should keep this fact in mind that classes cover a third of five JavaScript topics and to become proficient in JavaScript. Classes should be at your fingertips. You should be well-acquainted with issues such as encapsulation, inheritance, objects and instances. All of them are the most important elements of the renowned programming paradigm— object-oriented programming. This is why we believe that understanding Classes is very crucial.
But, at the same time, we recommend that you get yourself familiar with the other concepts of object-oriented programming, such as functional programming. In our opinion, they are also important to understand.
6. Await/Async
You all may have heard once that Java is an asynchronous language. However, what we want to share with you is how to handle all of such events. For example- API query.
As you know, at some point, JavaScript has to communicate 100% with the server. And this is where the asynchronous queries come into play.
For ages, we have used the famously called “callbacks”,, that is the functions that run when the query is completed. However, with the inception of mechanisms such as to await syntax/async and the promises, we don’t have to deal with the callbacks anymore.
If you want to master this topic, then you have to completely understand everything about async, API and the other aforementioned mechanisms. Also, learn the HTTP protocol basics and the working of the backend.
7. Closure
In basic terms, a closure is a function into another function. Mostly, it is used when you want to extend behaviour such as the pass variables, methods or arrays. Moreover, you can also access the context defined in outer function to inner function. However, not the other way around.
We feel that you should learn this concept because it is very useful if you work efficiently.
If you weren’t aware of any of the above-mentioned concepts, now you have a little bit of knowledge of JavaScript at least. We recommend you to learn at least these six concepts because it would be a good way to start learning JavaScript. And if you are already well aware of JavaScript, then you must master these concepts to distinguish yourself from the expert category to the great category.