8 Web App Trends To Look Out For Going Into 2022

The digital universe witnesses new trends every year, and it is crucial to consider them for winning digital solutions. It is vital for decision-makers to explore these trends while developing web apps to remain competitive in the industry. Today we will discuss some prominent trends in web app development in 2022.

1. More popularity for Progressive Web Applications

The world will witness a widespread use of PWAs by businesses across different industry verticals. Though it is not wrong to say that they are popular in present times, Experts suggest that the use of PWAs will grow significantly by the end of 2022.

High-quality user experience is one of the primary concerns for developers these days. PWAs offer a perfect solution for these concerns by delivering a native experience without even downloading the app.

The most exciting part of using PWAs to promote your products and services is that your users are not even required to download these apps, and you can add the features that enable them to work even when there is no internet connectivity.

PWAs are known for higher conversion rates by maximizing user engagement without worrying about the high maintenance costs. Starbucks, Soundslice, BMW, and Pinterest, are some popular brands using PWAs these days.

2. Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots

You can notice the growing use of AI and Chatbots in the present-day scenario. The advancements in AI make it more useful for decisions that can shape the success and future of your digital businesses.

Developers will increase the use of Artificial intelligence for both front-end and back-end enhancements of web applications. You can also expect to witness the rise in the number of AI-powered website builders that will eliminate the need for coding skills for extended features and functionalities.

One of the most prominent reasons for the growing popularity of AI and chatbots is their 24/7 ability to handle the problems faced by users. It is also helpful in collecting insights about consumer behavior and business performance for formulating better strategies to fuel growth.

3. Accelerated Mobile Pages

We know that the concept of Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) has been around since 2015. Although AMP has been around for almost eight years now, most of the digital universe is yet to explore it for web and mobile app development.

The accelerated mobile pages enhance the user experience with a manifold increase in the loading speed of your pages. As the latest SEO practices give a significant weightage to loading speed, you can expect a rise in the use of AMP in 2022.

4. The rise in Cybersecurity Concerns

With evolving technologies, cyber threats are also becoming a significant concern. Companies all around the globe are losing millions of dollars worth of revenue every year due to these cyber security challenges and hacking attempts.

Recent studies show that more than 90% of online businesses remain worried about the growing impact of these cyber attacks. The world will witness new and improved tools and software to encounter emerging threats.

The cybersecurity market expects to hit an all-time high by crossing the $400M mark by 2025. New security tools for data safety are drawing in huge investments, especially in the health, finance, insurance, and retail sector.

5. Voice Search Optimization

The share of the voice searches to find the relevant products or services is increasing at a significant pace. Recent surveys show that more than 30% of users prefer to do a voice search instead of typing their queries in the search engine. The tools like Google Assistant, Alexa, Siri, and many more are helping users to shift their preferences to voice search.

If I take you five years back, no one had ever imagined that voice searches would become so popular from both user and ranking points of view. The web app developers are going to shift their focus from text-based commands to voice search commands. The businesses will also increase their focus on creating content that can match the voice-search queries by the users.

6. 5G Technology Internet Network

5G technology is among the recent technologies you need to consider for developing web apps. The users are shifting to 5G carriers gradually, and it is going to penetrate all consumer segments. An expert from a company that offers services to hire React JS developers said that 5G will be a new focus.

You are going to witness an extended focus on the development of apps and websites that can deliver a fast and relentless experience on devices using 5G technologies. The mobile response is no longer an issue, and we will explore and use 5G compatible solutions for better business prospects.

7. More focus on IoT ecosystems

Though IoT ecosystems have been around since the late 90s, they were not in the limelight. It was due to a low focus on open source, big data, cybersecurity, and SDN. With changing dimensions of web and mobile development, IoT ecosystems are gaining attention. They are going to be a significant trend in many more years to come. While speaking to an expert from a reputed React JS development company, we found that the demand for developing IoT ecosystems is at its peak in 2022.

8. Growth in the use of Crypto Wallets

You can’t deny the growing use of cryptocurrencies these days. Popular online platforms are already using crypto wallets as a means of accepting payments from customers. You will witness more demand for the integration of such wallets on web apps and websites in the coming years.


These are some prominent web app trends that you can expect to witness in 2022. Many businesses have already started to hire React JS developers, Android developers, or iOS experts to make the best use of these trends for the success of their products and services. Start looking for a competent and reliable developer today if you wish to benefit from using these web app trends.