Create a Simple Counter in React | Timer

How to create a Timer in React

Let’s see how you can create a simple timer in React. You’ll be needing useEffect hook, setTimeout and some HTML. Let’s try create a Timer React component.

Creating React Project

You can create a React project using create-react-app

npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start

You will be able see the app running on http://localhost:3000/.

React Timer Component

Create a file called timer.js inside the src folder. Create a basic React component and initialize a variable for timer counter and a method to update the counter. Inside the useEffect hook you can check for counter and until it’s not zero you can decrement the counter on each 1000ms using setTimeout

import { useEffect, useState } from "react";

function Timer({max}){
    const [counter, setCounter] = useState(max);

    useEffect(() =>{
        if(counter > 0){
            setTimeout(()=>setCounter(counter - 1), 1000);


export default Timer;

You can use the Timer component inside the App.js component after importing as shown:

<Timer  max={60} />