Getting Started With Julia Package Manager

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to get started with Julia package manager. You’ll be using the package manager to install, update and remove different Julia packages. Using Julia Package Manager Status of Package Installed Add New Packages Update Existing Packages Remove Installed Packages Using Julia Package Manager From your terminal type in julia to move to the Julia prompt. Once you are in the Julia prompt type in the following command to get started with the Julia package manager. [Read More]

How to Create a VS Code Snippet for Next.js Page Creation

While creating a Next.js page here is how the default page code looks like: const DashboardPage = () => { return ( <div> Welcome to DashboardPage </div> ); }; export default DashboardPage; You can automate the default code creation using TypeScript Snippets in VS Code. For that go to File => Preference => Configure Snippets and select New Global Snippets File. Place the following in the file and save. [Read More]

How To Install Angular Material In Angular

In this first tutorial of the Angular Material Reactive Form Tutorial Series, you’ll learn how to get started with creating an Angular project and installing Angular material. You’ll see how to add Angular material to the Angular project and render an Angular Material component. So, let’s get started. If you prefer a video instead, feel free to visit our Angular Material Reactive Form Tutorial Series on YouTube. Creating Angular Project Once you have installed the Angular CLI, using the CLI command create a new Angular project. [Read More]

How To Make Asynchronous Calls In Angular

In this tutorial you’ll learn about two important aspects of making asynchronous calls in Angular 4. You’ll learn about how to return response from an Angular service and how to receive response from an Angular service. Other tutorials in Angular tutorial series. How To Make Asynchronous Calls In Angular How to Implement Auto Complete In Angular Creating A Web App Using Angular And MongoDB How To Create A Web App Using Angular And Firebase How To Make Login Page Using Angular And Firebase Creating An Angular App Generate a new Angular project using the Angular command. [Read More]

How To Remove Character From String Using JavaScript

Removing character from string is common problem that you encounter while developing software applications. In this tutorial, you’ll learn about different ways to remove character from string using JavaScript. Remove First/Last Character From String Using Slice Slice method extracts a part of the string and returns it as a new string. Let’s say you want to remove the first character of a string. So, you can specify the start index from which the string needs to be extracted. [Read More]

How To Repeat String In JavaScript

In this quick tutorial, you’ll learn how to repeat string in JavaScript with an without using built in methods. Repeat String Using String Concatenation You can repeat a string n number of times using a for loop and concatenating the string. An example to repeat string : function repeatString(n, str) { let output = '' for(let i = 0; i < n; i++) { output+=str } return output } console.log(repeatString(3,'hello')) You can also add the above method as a String prototype method to repeat. [Read More]

JavaScript : Find Duplicate Objects In An Array

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to find duplicate objects in an array using JavaScript. You already learnt how to find duplicate values in an array using JavaScript in one of our earlier posts. You’ll be following a similar approach to find duplicate objects in an array. How To Find Duplicate Objects In An Array You’ll be keeping two empty arrays, one for unique items and another for duplicate items. You’ll iterate over the given objects array and check if the unique items array contains the iterated object. [Read More]

6 Of The Most Common JavaScript Mistakes

JavaScript is the language so often at the core of both front-end and back-end development, making fluency in its dialects absolutely for today’s coders. Part of the reason for this proliferation across the web is for its apparent simplicity - getting started in JavaScript can feel quick and easy and starting with the “how to’s” is a great way to go. However, once you start looking deeper there are a lot of subtleties to JavaScript that are easy to overlook. [Read More]

Building Node.js Express App Using TypeScript

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to build a Node.js Express app using TypeScript. This will be beginner level tutorial where you’ll learn how to set an express app server with a couple of routes in TypeScript. Source code from this tutorial is available on GitHub. What You’ll Create A simple express app server in TypeScript. Two routes, one will render a text and the other will render an HTML file Prerequisites Download and install Node. [Read More]