Any programmer needs to be familiar with algorithms. They’re an essential part of modern day coding, and something that you will be expected to know about. They can be incorporated in pretty much any programming language too, including Python or Java. Here are 10 algorithm books that you should check out to learn more.

Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Corman

This is the book that every programmer should have. It’s currently on its third edition, so make sure you have the most recent version. It’s heavy on theory, but it has everything you need to know to get started. You can use it alongside online courses and lectures to really get the most out of it.

Algorithms In A Nutshell by Heineman, Pollice and Selkow

If you’re mainly a Java programmer, you’ll get a lot out of this book. Every algorithm in this book is shown in a pattern form, so you can see how they can be used and implemented in working code. One of the best things about this book is that it presents algorithms without the intense focus on mathematics, as other books do.

Introduction To Algorithms: A Creative Approach by Udi Manber

This is the book for you if you want to understand the principles behind algorithms. There’s hundreds of problems and solutions in here, so you can try them out and see how they work. This lets you improve your problem solving skills and improve your coding.

Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Bhargava

This is another excellent book if you’re new to algorithms or coding, as it takes a basic approach to the subject at hand. You’ll find lots of modern day references, that let you understand how algorithms work. For example, it shows how Facebook stored a username so it could be searched for by others.

The Design And Analysis Of Algorithms by Anany Levitin

If you’ve already mastered the basics of coding algorithms, then this is the book that you want to read. It gives you access to more advanced topics, so you can get a greater understanding of how algorithms work.

Data Structures And Algorithms: Aho, Ullman and Hopcroft

This is another book that doesn’t rely on mathematics to get its point across, so if that’s what you’re looking for then you’ll get a lot out of it. Many say it’s a very clear read, so you won’t struggle to understand the concepts its putting across to you.

Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms In The Python Language by Magnus Lie Hetland

If you’re a Python programmer, you’ll recognise Hetland’s name from their Beginning Python book. This is an excellent book for algorithm learning, even though they’re language independent. There’s an emphasis on graph algorithms, which helps you with real world problem solving.

Algorithm Design by Kleinberg and Tardos

This is a book to get into once you master the basics of algorithms. You’ll be able to learn more about how to implement them, and continue on your learning with them. Pick this book up after you’ve read some of the books aimed at beginners on this list.

Algorithm For Interviews by Adnan Aziz

This is book written with programming interview in mind, so if that’s something you’re interested in you need to read it. It takes a different approach to explaining algorithms, so if you need a different perspective on it this book will be for you.

The Algorithm Design Manual by Steve S. Skiena

If you need examples of how algorithms work, you need to read this book. There’s not only lots of examples of computer algorithms, but also how they would work in real life. It’s quite easy to follow, and having those examples means you can get an idea of how everything should work. Newcomers will get a lot out of this.

There’s lots of algorithm programming books out there, but these are some of the best that you need to take a look at. Whether you’re just starting out or you need a refresher on algorithms, you’ll find something for you in this list. Pick up a few of these titles and get reading today.