How to pass query parameters in Python FastAPI ?

Once you have installed FastAPI, let’s see how to pass query parameters in FastAPI.

Here I have defined an endpoint in my FastAPI app.

from fastapi import FastAPI
my_app = FastAPI()

def getUserInfo():
      return [{
          "id" : 100,
          "firstName" : "roy"

You can run the app using uvicorn app:my_app. It will run an app on http://localhost:8000. You will be able to access the endpoint at http://localhost:8000/getUserInfo.

To pass query parameters to the above endpoint, the URL will look like, http://localhost:8000/getUserInfo?id=100&name=sam.

You can access the query parameters passed to the endpoint by defining the variable in the getUserInfo method as parameters:

from fastapi import FastAPI
my_app = FastAPI()

def getUserInfo(id: int, name: str):
      return [{
          "id" : id,
          "firstName" : name

Save the changes and restart the server. Point your browser to http://localhost:8000/getUserInfo?id=100&name=tom and you will get passed id and name in the response JSON.
