How to Show Progress Bar In Python?

Let’s have a look at tqdm Python package which helps in showing progress bar in Python and CLI.

Show Progress Bar

I’m having Python 2.7.18 installed in my system. You can install the tqdm package using pip.

pip install tqdm

Once it’s installed let’s create a file called and import the tqdm package.

from tqdm import tqdm

To show some time delay, let’s import the sleep package from time module.

from time import sleep

Now, I’ll simply iterate from 0 to 9 and introduce a delay of 1 sec between each iteration.

from tqdm import tqdm
from time import sleep

for i in tqdm(range(10)):

You should be able to see the progress bar.

 40%|###########2                | 4/10 [00:08<00:12,  2.11s/it]

Show Progress Bar in API Calls

Now let’s take a look at a real time scenario where I need to make a couple of API calls to get user information based on user id. Let’s see how you can use tqdm to show progress bar in such scenario.

This time we won’t be using the sleep method.

Import the requests method to make API calls.

import requests

I’ll using range for iterating over user ids 1 to 10.

progress = tqdm(range(1,11))

Now you can iterate over the progress variable and make the API call.

for i in progress:

Here is how the file looks :

from tqdm import tqdm
import requests

progress = tqdm(range(1,11))
def parseName(n):
    progress.set_description("Processing user %s" % n)
    response = requests.get(''+str(n))

for i in progress:

Save the change and run the Python program. You will be able to see the progress of each API call as shown:

Processing user 7:  60%|#####3   | 6/10 [00:01<00:01,  3.55it/s]

For a detailed information on what all other functionalities tqdm module provides, I recommend reading the official documentation.